We at Uk Solutions Have a Vacancy For You!

Work like a self employed and have daily gains ranging from £ 125 to £ 130 per day.

If you do not have your own van, you can rent one from our van hire partner Weekly pay (first payment after 2 weeks after your first invoice) this is to cover insurance excess.

You do not have to organize your deliveries, as our warehouse department does this for you so that you get the best result in your deliveries.
-We provide dedicated counters to provide better tracking of deliveries.

Please can you bring along the following documentation to the induction?

-Passport, birth certificate or other proof of citizenship;
-Proof of National Insurance Number (the card or any letter showing the number);
-Driving ”license” Two proofs of your current address (not older than 3 months)
-If you wish to proceed with the job you will be required to take a Drug and Alcohol test on the day.

If the answer is YES please choose one of the places to work and send us a e-mail (jobs@uksolutions.co) or complete the form in our vacancies page!